Well, one thing I would do is doubt myself. And anyone else who thought I could make a living writing a blog. I've doubted a lot, actually, and I used to be pretty good at it. I don't have time for that anymore though.
It's no coincidence I received this beautiful, meaningful piece for Christmas. BFF knows just what I need. |
The old Denise (makes me laugh to use "old" Denise in the past tense!) would have put this off until it was all perfect. But, as my friend, Ryanna, says, "Progress....not perfection." So when you're reading this wonderfully imperfect blog post on my not-yet-fully-functional website, just know how proud I am that I hit the publish button.
This photo just added for cuteness. My Dreamers. My Inspiration. |
Life doesn't look like I thought it would. The characters are different, the plot continues to turn, and the scenery is changing.
And I'm OK with that. You know what's the same though? The dreams for myself that I never remembered even having. They were in there! The dreams for my children for which I studied and worked tirelessly to lay a foundation. Those dreams haven't changed, and I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity and the peace of mind to chase them. Come with me?
Also no coincidence I spotted this magnet on a friend's fridge recently. The universe knows just what I need. |